Revision of Core Mechanics

I have reviewed my code and execution and have concluded the following: 

1. Overcomplicating the Prototype

Pitfall: The code may have unnecessary complexity in the initial stages of prototyping.
Resolution: Simplify the prototype by focusing on core functionalities first. Ensure that each feature is implemented in a modular and testable manner before adding complexity.

2. Inefficient Use of Blueprints and C++

Pitfall: Over-reliance on Blueprints for performance-critical systems.
Resolution: Implement core gameplay mechanics and performance-critical systems in C++. Use Blueprints for rapid prototyping and non-critical systems. This hybrid approach leverages the strengths of both C++ and Blueprints.

3. Neglecting Performance Optimization

Pitfall: Lack of profiling and optimization.
Resolution: Regularly profile your game using Unreal's built-in tools to identify performance bottlenecks. Optimize critical areas using techniques like LOD generation, occlusion culling, and dynamic instance batching

4. Improper Asset Management

Pitfall: Hard-coding asset references and inefficient asset management.
Resolution: Use soft references and asynchronous asset loading to manage assets efficiently. Implement level streaming and world composition to break up the world into manageable chunks

5. Architectural Pitfalls

Pitfall: Tightly coupled systems and lack of separation of concerns.
Resolution: Follow established architectural patterns like MVC or ECS. Separate concerns by creating dedicated classes/systems for specific functionalities (e.g., AI, physics, UI). Use interfaces and abstract base classes to decouple systems and promote code reuse

Specific Code Issues and Refactoring Suggestions

AI System

Issue: The AI system for following and staying might be too tightly coupled with other game logic.

  • Use the AIController class to manage AI behavior separately from the player and other game logic.
  • Implement behavior trees and blackboards to manage AI decision-making processes.

Interaction System

Issue: The interaction system for picking up and placing body parts may not be modular or scalable.

  • Create an InteractionComponent that can be attached to any interactable object.
  • Use interfaces to define interaction behaviors, allowing for easy extension and modification


Asset Management

Issue: Hard-coded asset references for body parts and coffins.

  • Use soft references and asynchronous loading to manage assets.
  • Implement a data-driven approach using data tables or JSON for asset management

Performance Optimization

Issue: Potential performance bottlenecks due to inefficient asset management and lack of optimization.

  • Profile the game regularly to identify performance issues.
  • Optimize assets by using LODs, culling techniques, and efficient texture management.

Code Removal

Issue: Redundant or unused code that adds unnecessary complexity.
Resolution: Regularly review and clean up the codebase to remove any redundant or unused code. This helps maintain a clean and efficient codebase.

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