Devlog 3 Summary

## Milestones Achieved ๐Ÿ†
  • - Successfully implemented player input handling for switching back and forth between FPS and Operation Gameplay (High impact, crucial for gameplay)
  • - Added clamped location and smoothness to object movement in Operation Gameplay Mode (High importance for user experience)
  • - Redesigned button with scene component root and static mesh (shovel) for visual feedback (Moderate impact, enhances immersion)
  • - Replaced all FString usages with Enum for body part types (High impact, improves code efficiency)
  • - Set up Operation Mediator to dynamically find body parts and assign chosen enums (High importance for game mechanics)
  • - Successfully refactored BodyParts with a base body part class (High impact, improves code structure)
  • - Implemented attachment of parts using C++ and event broadcasting (High importance for gameplay functionality)
## Work in Progress ๐Ÿšง
  • - Creating C++ file for Body Part Section Overlap Box in operation game setup (High importance for core mechanics)
  • - Investigating tag system for identifying specific spots in operation game (Moderate impact, aids in organization)
  • - Implementing main coffin functionality in C++ instead of Blueprint (High impact, improves performance)
  • - Addressing physics handle precedence over attachment for body parts (High importance for gameplay consistency)
  • - Setting up unhide mechanism for operation gameplay (Moderate impact, enhances user experience)
  • - Implementing body part release mechanism through main player (High importance for core gameplay)
  • - Resolving bug where operation body parts are not broadcasting as intended (High impact, crucial for functionality)
## Design Notes ๐Ÿ“
  • - Planning to use body part type enum for both game and operation modes (High impact, streamlines code)
  • - Considering making assigned body part type a variable for use across components (Moderate importance, improves flexibility)
  • - Exploring ways to leverage body part states for more dynamic gameplay mechanics (High impact, enhances gameplay depth)
  • - Decided to implement hiding and moving of body parts for operation gameplay (High importance for core mechanics)
  • - Planned to create custom C++ class for static body parts based on base body part class (High impact, improves code structure)
  • - Designed "reset" functionality for body parts to manage location and visibility (Moderate importance, aids in gameplay flow)
  • - Simplified body part state management using boolean flags instead of enum (High impact, improves code clarity)
## Technical Challenges ๐Ÿงฉ
  • - Ensuring consistent and efficient use of body part type enum across different game systems (High importance for code consistency)
  • - Implementing an efficient tag system for identifying specific spots in operation game (Moderate impact, aids organization)
  • - Resolving conflict between physics handle and attachment for body parts (High importance for gameplay consistency)
  • - Ensuring proper collision and overlap detection for body parts (High impact, crucial for gameplay functionality)
  • - Managing visibility and physics simulation of different body part types (High importance for performance)
  • - Implementing efficient actor hiding and unhiding for large groups (Moderate impact, affects performance)
  • - Coordinating actions between different game components (Main Controller, Body Parts, Operation Coffin) (High importance for gameplay coherence)
## Reflections and Next Steps ๐Ÿ”
  • - Review implementation of refactored BodyParts and Mediator classes (High importance for code quality)
  • - Continue work on generic overlappable box actor component (High impact, improves reusability)
  • - Implement system for assigning collected body parts to specific slots (High importance for core gameplay)
  • - Finalize and test operation gameplay mechanics (High impact, crucial for game progression)
  • - Review and optimize interaction between different game components (High importance for performance)
  • - Implement and test new boolean-based state system for body parts (High impact, improves code efficiency)
  • - Set up broadcast systems for main player and main coffin (High importance for gameplay coordination)
## Resources and References ๐Ÿ“š
  • - Unreal Engine Documentation: C++ Programming (High importance for development)
  • - Unreal Engine Documentation: Gameplay Tags (Moderate impact, aids in organization)
  • - Unreal Engine Documentation: Physics Handles (High importance for gameplay mechanics)
  • - Unreal Engine Forums: Efficient Actor Hiding/Unhiding (Moderate impact, affects performance)
  • - Unreal Engine Documentation: Collision Overview (High importance for gameplay functionality)
  • - Unreal Engine Documentation: Enhanced Input System (High impact, improves input handling)
  • - Diversion documentation for sync commands (Moderate importance for version control)
## Tags ๐Ÿท๏ธ
  • - #GameplayMechanic
  • - #C++Implementation
  • - #PerformanceOptimization
  • - #BugFix
  • - #CodeRefactoring
  • - #InputSystem
  • - #StateManagement

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