Week 1 Summary: Game Development Progress

Week: May 29, 2024 - June 4, 2024 

Milestones Achieved:

  • May 29: Finished cutting up the ghoul for zombie body parts; completed a code review.
  • May 30: Created an interaction system using blueprints; set up a body part manager; planned a 90-day game completion log.
  • June 1: Created an animation blueprint for the Zombie Ghoul; set up gate opening mechanism; recorded an introduction story.
  • June 2: Updated itch.io page; verified body part management system; set up a KanBan board in Obsidian.
  • June 3: Finished gate/platform logic; created a struct for gate management.
  • June 4: Recreated platform, gate, and mediator using interfaces; implemented a DoOnce node; set up C++ files; enabled object pickup with physics simulation; successfully spawned a zombie.

Work in Progress:

  • May 29: Restructuring code based on code review.
  • May 30: Implementing "Physics Handle"; using "Overlap Actor" for object placement; figuring out ECS setup for zombie spawning.
  • June 1: Refining interact system; creating a mover component; implementing Physics Handle; setting up box collision for body parts.
  • June 2: Implementing a better zombie skeleton and skin; finishing gate manager setup; creating a project roadmap.
  • June 3: Applying multiple platforms per gate; creating zombie behavior; recreating game logic in C++.
  • June 4: Setting up Gate mechanism; relocating zombie spawn; addressing "used body parts".

Technical Challenges:

  • May 30: Customizing "interact" response; implementing ECS setup; creating UObject for ECS.
  • June 1: Customizing "interact" response; implementing Physics Handle; handling FPC and interactable actors; managing body part collection.
  • June 3: Incrementing activated platforms integer; deciding on recreating game logic; simplifying logic for two platforms.
  • June 4: Ensuring platform does not repeatedly open gate; reworking gate opening system; setting up C++ classes and interfaces.

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