Week 2 Summary

Here is a summarized review of what happened this week

Milestones Achieved ๐Ÿ†

  • Completed initial project setup with assets and C++ classes
  • Resolved bugs related to body part count and building errors
  • Got core gameplay mechanics working
  • Recorded video showcasing the operation part of the game
  • Discovered new Motion Matching animations for future use
  • Refactored interactable actors with a base class
  • Finished setting up level blockout and Necromancer Master
  • Completed player controller setup and asset consolidation

Work in Progress ๐Ÿšง

  • Reviewing previous classes for consistency
  • Setting up zombie platform checks
  • Creating Niagara system to identify main coffin
  • Adding lights and outlines for interactable objects
  • Manually inputting INDEX for "Check Body Part" function
  • Relocating out-of-bounds body parts
  • Exploring Motion Matching animations
  • Setting up Operation Game mode and refactoring PlayerPawn
  • Creating level section for operation game
  • Handling off-map body parts and altering main player
  • Setting up input actions for operation mode

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved body part count bug by refactoring functions
  • Fixed building errors
  • Addressed physics handle issue when items are destroyed
  • Prevented body parts from flying away out-of-bounds
  • Fixed overlay material bug with nanite by disallowing nanite
  • Resolved velocity issue when resetting body part locations

Design Notes ๐Ÿ“

  • Considering "absorbing" zombie essence or explosion mechanics
  • Planning to use OpenGate/CloseGate blueprint events
  • Tweaked main player light to be more ambient
  • Considering static player or WASD movement after selection
  • Using material overlays for visual feedback
  • Exploring color-coding for Necromancer Master states
  • Potentially combining Operation and MainGame on same map

Technical Challenges ๐Ÿงฉ

  • Ensuring correct body part count without duplicates
  • Avoiding "Get all actors of class" for performance
  • Optimizing Niagara system for main coffin identification
  • Optimizing light setup for main player and coffins
  • Modularizing "Check Body Part" function
  • Handling physics when items are destroyed
  • Creating dynamic material instances
  • Refactoring dependencies between modes
  • Researching mode transition methods
  • Ensuring mediators track everything correctly

Reflections and Next Steps ๐Ÿ”

  • Revisit Mediator Interface, consider using delegates
  • Implement checks for previous classes
  • Explore zombie platform mechanics
  • Recheck Niagara system and add outline effects
  • Limit player movement or make static
  • Implement material overlays
  • Create Cpp version of Operation Game
  • Translate functions to delegates
  • Account for existing PNNF functionality
  • Add SFX, VFX, and audio story
  • Replace blockout with actual assets
  • Consolidate dependencies and assets
  • Ensure no Engine Content usage

Resources and References ๐Ÿ“š

  • Unreal Engine Documentation
  • GameDev.TV Ultimate C++ course
  • Previous project files

Tags ๐Ÿท๏ธ

#GameplayMechanic #Performance #BugFix
#Blueprints #Cpp #UI/UX #Lighting
#NiagaraSystem #PhysicsHandle #MaterialOverlay
#DynamicMaterial #MotionMatching #PlayerController
#AssetManagement #MediatorPattern #PhysicsSimulation

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